A day in the life of a new grad OT

Hey there, are you ready to get a peek into the world of a new graduate occupational therapist at Stepping Stones Therapy for Children? You better buckle up, because we're about to take you on a ride through a typical day in their life.
The day starts bright and early at 8.45 am, with our OT reviewing their schedule for the day. But don't fret, we're not here to throw you in the deep end. Our new graduates start by seeing only three clients each day, which gives them ample time for learning, planning, and reflection.
First up is home visit to see a five-year-old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our OT uses the backward chaining technique and a social story with a variety of sensory activities to help the child develop their ability to put their shoes on and off independently. And guess what? By the end of the session, the child is fixing the Velcro fastening independently! Both the child and the parents are ecstatic with the progress and the OT feels pretty chuffed as well.
After that, it's time for some planning and reflection. Our OT uses this time to complete their notes from the first session and prepare for the next one. Speaking of which, the next client is coming in for a handwriting assessment, so our OT takes some time to review the handwriting assessment training videos available on the Stepping Stones intranet.
The next client of the day is an eight-year-old girl with a diagnosis of ADHD who is struggling to keep up with written work at school. After building rapport with the girl and her mum, our OT administers a few assessments, including the Beery VMI and the DASH, which help her understand some of the underlying difficulties that might be contributing to the girl's handwriting challenges.
Lunchtime is a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues and recharge before diving back in for the afternoon session.
After lunch, our OT joins a senior OT colleague and an OT assistant for their weekly Tiny Tipper Touch Footfall group at a local soccer field. This group is specifically designed to support children in building both gross motor and social skills in a fun and informal game-like setting. Led by the senior OT, the group designs games and activities that are both fun and challenging.
Being a new graduate occupational therapist at Stepping Stones Therapy for Children is an exciting and rewarding experience. With ample time for planning and reflection, our OTs can really hone their OT skills and provide the best possible care to their clients. Weekly clinical supervision sessions and professional development meetings provide ample opportunities for growth and learning, and the supportive team environment ensures that everyone can provide the highest level of care to the children they serve.
So what are you waiting for? Come join the Stepping Stones team and let's make a difference in the lives of children, one step at a time. Visit www.steppingstonesforchildren.com.au to learn more!
Download our free e-book - 7 Things I Wish I Knew as an Early Career Occupational Therapist
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